A lands the right leg to form horse riding stance with the right fist punching to B's chest, retaks the left fist at waist, keep the eyes looking at B.
B steps the right leg backward, and bends the left elbow with outwardly rotation to block A's fist, keeps the eyes looking at the block direction(Fig.5-3-42).
A and B: Ending position
(1) 甲重心左移,甲乙左手变拳下按右肘处。甲乙身体右转成马步,右拳随身体转动向额头前上方架起,左臂屈肘握拳下栽于左腿上方,拳面向外同时发声“呜-喂”。 甲乙目视对方(图5-3-43 ①②)。
A moves the gravity to the left, and changes to left palm pressing on right elbow for both A and B.A and B withstand the right fist to upper of the forehead within turning the body to right as horse riding stance, and bend the left elbow and cut the fist to the upper of the left leg with the fist face downside and fist center outside, sound with “WU-WEI”.Keep the eyes looking straight at each other(Fig.5-3-43 ①②).